Friday, December 19, 2008

OIG releases report of overtime payment to FBI and other DOJ employees deployed in Iraq.

Not good..

We also found that the FBI failed to adequately examine the hours
reported by its employees. Until early 2008, the forms that FBI employees
used to report the hours they worked were “certified,” or approved, by
supervisors in the United States who had no personal knowledge of the hours
their agents were actually working in Iraq. In November 2007, as a result of
this investigation, the FBI changed this practice so that supervisors in Iraq are
now required to approve the hours that are reported by FBI employees in Iraq.

We also found that prior to July 2008 CTD managers did not consult
with the FBI’s Human Resources Division or its Office of General Counsel to
determine whether the CTD’s overtime practices in Iraq were consistent with
law, regulation, and FBI policy. As a result, the CTD provided incomplete and
inaccurate guidance to FBI employees regarding the requirements for claiming overtime. This incomplete and inaccurate guidance even continued when the FBI issued additional guidance in March, July, and October, 2008, subsequent to the initiation of this investigation.

Moreover, we found that the FBI did not perform the financial and
manpower analyses that are required before paying overtime under FBI

PDF Report

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