Friday, December 19, 2008

Blowhard News for Friday.

State Dept. spokesman: In 50 years, no one will remember the shoe-hurling Iraqi journalist.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack politely scolded the media for reporting on the
Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush. “You guys make decisions about what you cover,” he said, claiming that in 50 years, history is not likely to recall the shoe-throwing incident:
McCORMACK: Well, look, you guys make decisions about what you cover. I suspect – just a guess – that three, four, five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years from now that the fact of the President making that visit under those circumstances will probably overshadow any memory of this particular gentleman and what he did.
Q: That’s a pretty – that’s a pretty interesting prediction.
McCORMACK: Come back to me in 50 years; we can talk about it.
Q: Would you care to bet? (Laughter.)
McCORMACK: Try and collect on it 50 years from now. (Laughter.)

Laura Bush on why the President was able to duck Iraqi’s shoe: He’s ‘such a natural athlete.’
President Bush has dismissed his infamous shoe-throwing debacle as nothing more than
“bizarre” and “amusing.” However, in a new interview with USA Today, First Lady Laura Bush said she took Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi’s actions much more seriously. “As a wife, I saw it as an assault, and that’s what it was,” she said. “So I didn’t laugh it off.” Laura Bush also confirmed that she had seen video of the incident wasn’t at all surprised that the shoe didn’t hit her husband because he’s “very quick.” “That’s one of things I saw — he’s such a natural athlete,” she added.

Rush Limbaugh to Blagojevich: Nominate Alan Keyes Rush Limbaugh is recommending to Governor Blagojevich that if he really wants to stick it to Obama and company, he should nominate Alan Keyes to be Senator ...


PrissyPatriot said...

“That’s one of things I saw — he’s such a natural athlete,” she added.

Yeah he sure is; in the "angry wife at the drunk ducking husband" Olympics LOL

KittyBowTie1 said...

Limbaugh is an idiot.

When Republicans picked carpetbagger, windbag, and Maryland resident Alan Keyes, Obama won in a landslide and became senator. Without first being a senator, Obama would not have run for president.