Wednesday, December 17, 2008

After Hasselbeck whines of being shut out, White House invites her to Christmas party.


During yesterday’s live taping of The View, conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck whined that she hadn’t received an invitation to the White House Christmas party. “Maybe I didn’t do enough for the Republican party this year,” she said. “I love Christmas cards I love getting them. … No invitation this year.” Soon after the show ended, the White House called to apologize and issued her an invitation:

“Following today’s live show, Elisabeth received a call from the The White House, and they both had a great conversation,” Karl T. Nilsson, the executive publicity director of The View told “The President’s office apologized and explained that she and her husband were indeed invited to the White House for Christmas and were sorry that it did not arrive. It was simply an oversight.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It's sad when you have to beg on Tv and cry because you weren't invited. If she didn't cry and wine on TV she still wouldn't have been invited. Liz campainged on the show The View for McCain/Palin. She campaigned with bimbo Sarah for votes. He loser husband should be fired as quarterback and he wines like Liz does.

I hope Bush send Liz an invitation to his trial at the United Nations for War Crimes. She's a loyal Republican and she will be doing alot of crying in the coming years along with her worthless husband.