Friday, October 10, 2008

When the GOP and wives turn into monsters.

Crooks and Liars:
When all else fails, Republicans and their wives turn into monsters.
John McCain and Sarah Palin were backstage, and Lehigh County GOP Chairman Bill Platt was warming up the crowd of 6,000 at a rally here for the Republican ticket.
"Think about how you'll feel on November 5 if you wake up in the morning and see the news, that Barack Obama -- that Barack Hussein Obama -- is the president-elect of the United States," Platt said. The audience at the Lehigh University arena booed at the thought of it.
"The number one most liberal senator in the United States of America was, you guessed it, the ambassador of change, Barack Hussein Obama," he added.
All journalists covering the McCain-Palin events should take out extra life insurance. Read Milbank's entire piece. He finishes it off with this..
Audience members participated in the Obama critique by shouting words such as "liar!" and "socialist!""Who is the real Senator Obama?" McCain asked.Unclear.But we do know his middle name is Hussein.

Update: Not even the
Fox News poll could find Ayers having an effect on support for Obama.

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