Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gen. Petraeus backs Obama: 'You have to talk to enemies.'

Bad news for McCain..

The Washington Independent:
Petraeus also came out unambiguously in his talk at Heritage for opening communications with America’s adversaries, a position McCain is attacking Obama for endorsing. Citing his Iraq experience, Petraeus said, “You have to talk to enemies.” He added that it was necessary to have a particular goal for discussion and to perform advance work to understand the motivations of his interlocutors.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Petraeus is sucking up in hopes of keeping his job. Look he did what Bush told him and he sees the writing on the wall and is now sucking up to Obama. Let's hope Obama doesn't fall for the act. Petraeus is just a puppet and as much at fault as Bush/Cheney. Petraeus hasn't given one thought about our soldiers or their well being.