Friday, October 10, 2008

A clear desperation by the McCain camp.

Check this email out. This is floating around to Democrats. Someone passed this to me:

From:McCain Democrats

Dear ******,

Many of you were strong Hillary Clinton supporters. In light of the recent events we realize that many of you are unsure how to best use your vote.

As democrats we find ourselves in a similar situation of doubt as to how best continue the fight this November election. In response, we have a created a site specifically for voters like you: democrats who wish to continue the fight we have worked so long and hard to support.
ContinuingTheFight where we feature news and videos by and for democrats such as yourself. We, as a group, have decided to support Senator McCain's bid for president this fall. At ContinuingTheFight you can also keep track of various campaign events and we hope you will find the opinions expressed in the site in line with yours.

Hillary's defeat in the democratic primaries was a tough loss for all of us. But we should not let that discourage us now during such a tenuous point in our country's history. Come join the movement at ContinuingTheFight and together we will make a difference by guiding the US into the future we know is right.

Democrats for McCain:

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's

The McCain camp is clearly targeting Hillary supporters again. I went on the website and it is clear that McCain is desperately pandering to Democrats. For those who supported Hillary, be aware that McCain is pandering for votes since Team Dumb and Dumber are trailing in the polls.

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