Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Small towns ‘not all red;' Coalition protests McCain.

By Lori Van Ingen / Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Horns were sounding Monday evening in Penn Square in response to signs that encouraged drivers to honk if they wanted change.

About 20 people, organized by Lancaster Coalition for Peace and Justice, held signs saying "Tax Credits for People, Not Big Business," "End Violence Now, Smash the State," "McSame" and "McCain Is Bush Warmed Over."

The demonstration was a response to today's scheduled appearance in Lancaster by Republican presidential and vice-presidential nominees Sen. John McCain and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Organizers said they wanted the two to know that "small-town America is not easy" to win votes in.

"We're not all red," said Aaron Slater, the coalition's administrator.
Slater, who recently replaced former administrator John Schreck, said McCain has failed to address the needs of working people, students and farmers in the county in light of the current economic downturn.

The coalition opposes violence, the war in Iraq and the infringement of civil liberties.

"We have a lot of pacifists here," Slater said.

Tommy Nazario, a 21-year-old Lancaster resident who participates in grassroots volunteer work, said he was protesting because he "disagrees with conservative politics, John McCain and his candidacy."

Avery Hookey, a Franklin & Marshall College student, said she decided to join the protest because "this is an extremely important election for the country.

"I'm concerned with the country's well-being. It's crucial for the middle class," Hookey said.

"McCain has been lying. He's just extending the Bush administration's policies."
Hookey also wasn't thrilled about McCain selecting Palin. She said she doubts McCain's choice of a female running mate will sway those who backed Sen. Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary to vote Republican.

Lancaster Township resident Charles Lane said he wanted to voice his feelings about how the country would fare if the Republicans won the election.

"We'd have four more years of the same old, same old," he said.

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