Sunday, September 07, 2008

McCain-Palin rally in Colorado.

Jeralyn from Talkleft writes:

As I've mentioned, I covered the McCain/Palin rally in Colorado Springs yesterday for My report is now up on their site, McCain and Palin Go to Dobsonville. The gist:

Fresh from the GOP convention, John McCain brings his Christian fundamentalist running mate to Christian fundamentalist headquarters –- but doesn't mention abortion or gay marriage.

Not surprisingly, it focuses on aspects much of the mainstream media coverage missed or ignored. Until I saw this CBS report, I was beginning to wonder whether I had attended a different event.

Jeralyn said this in her article in

Palin spoke for about 12 minutes, mostly about John McCain. She told a POW story, mentioned her son who will be leaving for Iraq shortly and said the surge worked. She made a passing reference to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, noting the McCain-Palin administration would make them smaller. She said she came to office in Alaska promoting ethics reform and stood up to the good old boys' network. Not surprisingly, she made no reference to the pending legislative ethics investigation into her and members of her staff's alleged conduct while she was governor. "It's great to be here in Colorado," Palin said. "The mountains remind me of being back home in Alaska."

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