Tuesday, July 01, 2008

White House: Polls are flawed, Bubble boy Bush sees a ’shift in attitudes’ toward him.


Despite polls showing record levels of dissatisfaction with President Bush, U.S. News reported on Friday that the White House is in an “upbeat mood” and that aides “see a president who still gets his way.” According to the magazine, the administration’s positive demeanor is a result of Bush sensing less “antipathy” than he used to in crowds:
When he travels around the country, Bush feels less “antipathy” than he used to in the crowds, along the motorcade routes, and expressed by the individuals who talk to him at his events. “He feels there has been a shift in attitudes out there that’s not reflected in polling data,” the aide says. […]
Reinforcing his point, the latest AP-Ipsos poll, released in mid-June, found that only 29 percent of Americans approved of Bush’s job performance, one of the lowest presidential ratings ever. White House officials, by the way, say they aren’t sure such polls should be believed because the questions are biased and the population samples are flawed.


Anonymous said...

can hardly wait for bushdick to stand before the american people again and state "the tax cuts are working" and "my economic plan is working". bet those words don't pass his lips again.

SP Biloxi said...


If the Gerbil states for the upteenth time "the surge is working" or "the economy is strong," I'm certainly going to go space city on that.

His plummeted poll numbers and people's disgruntlement over this idiot shows that everything that he touches will never work!

Anonymous said...

yup. if he would finish the sentences instead of under his breath.... "the taxes cuts are working (for my hedge fund buddies) and "my economic plan is working" (to enrich my buddies and to screw the middle class suckers who voted for me).

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! I don't think that will happen Markie. That's like the Gerbil admitting that he is not a alcoholic or that he went through the 12 step program.

Anonymous said...

well, the best thing he ever did was to invest in paraguay.