Saturday, July 12, 2008

SPB News for Saturday.

Sudan Leader to Be Charged With Genocide The chief prosecutor of the Internationals Criminal Court will seek an arrest warrant Monday for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, charging him with genocide and crimes against humanity in the orchestration of a campaign of violence that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the nation's Darfur region during the past five years, according to U.N. officials and diplomats.

Electric Bills for Con Ed Customers Will Soar Consolidated Edison is expecting to bill its residential customers in New York City and Westchester County 22 percent more for electricity this summer than last because of rising fuel costs, officials at the utility said Friday.

9% approval rating for Congress

Speaker Pelosi signaled that an Article of Impeachment charging Bush with lying to Congress about his pretexts for invading Iraq might at least get a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

There’s no way to know what changes in conditions, if any, may have prompted her to rethink impeachment, but it may have something to do with a new Rasmussen poll released on Tuesday that found approval of Congress at 9 percent, which is essentially a statistical zero.

U.S. treatment of Khadr may have exceeded military's own guidelines --The origin of such practices at Guantanamo dates back to an April 16, 2003, memo by then-secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld. In subjecting Omar Khadr to the so-called "frequent flier program" - a sleep deprivation technique that has since been prohibited - the U.S. military may have exceeded even its own guidelines on the controversial practice. Department of Foreign Affairs documents made public this week show that the U.S. military intentionally deprived Mr. Khadr of sleep... prior to a visit by Canadian officials to Cuba in 2004. Given that the Canadian Federal Court has found the practice to be in violation of international law, the revelation that Mr. Khadr was subjected to the program directly contradicts repeated assurances from Ottawa that the Canadian was treated humanely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.