Friday, July 11, 2008

SPB News for Friday.

Rice warns Iran: US will defend Israel US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran on Thursday that Washington had beefed up its security presence in the Gulf and would not hesitate to defend Israel and other allies in the region. "We will defend American interests and the interests of our allies," Rice said, answering a question on an Iranian threat to "set fire" to Israel.

Senate Confirms Petraeus' Promotion --Senate Votes 95-2 The Senate confirmed Gen. David Petraeus [Betrayus] on Thursday as the top commander in the Middle East on a vote of 95-2. Immediately following the confirmation, the Senate was expected to approve the nomination of Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno to replace Petraeus as the chief military officer in Iraq.

Obama accepts Jackson's apology for crude remark Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama shrugged off a crude comment aimed at him by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, accepting an apology for a remark Jackson made as he contended that Obama wasn't speaking to issues important to the black community.

ExpressJet Shutting Down
ExpressJet will be halting all of its commercial passenger flight operations nationwide on September 2, including two trips daily to and from Santa Barbara Airport to Sacramento and San Diego. The move also means a loss of revenue for the airport, from a rental fee for counter space to the cost per pound landing fees that the airport receives.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yes Connie warns Iran as Russia warns the United States. Notice the rest of the World Leaders are just sitting back watching the show. The Middle East Leaders know the oil prices are fixed for profit for the shareholders and has nothing to do with hold cost. Bottom line the US citizens are being robbed by the plan Cheney put in play for his oil friends. Now you notice the prices just keep going up even when a barrel of oil declines. Here's the answer. More people and Law Makers are getting their kick backs with oil shares. Did you think Pelosi was saving Bush for nothing, or Musk Rat took the AG job with out big bucks in kick backs. The Deputy AG needs alot of donuts to keep that fat gut fulled and it cost alot of money.