Friday, July 11, 2008

Open Thread for Friday.


airJackie said...

It feels good to be right about a criminal. Now Karl Rove has proved he is guilty and there is no need for him to show up as I don't thin he will be arrested or charged as those who have the power are on the take and others don't have the back bone to do their job. Oil prices keep going up because more people are getting oil shares as kick backs and other want to keep getting those high profits from their oil shares.

Anonymous said...

Well, I CERTAINLY HOPE that someone decides the time has come to arrest him. seems like it is long overdue.
A whole lotta people want to see that perp walk.
IF JUST ONE PERSON GETS THE GUMPTION to say this is contempt of Congress, this is wrong, then other people will follow suit. The tide is turning on this administration, Jackie.
After 9/11 people talked in whispers about the administration, then a few people got the courage and now--8 long years later, even Nancy Pelosi sounds different, than she did a few weeks ago.
I am hanging in there, betting that before the end of the bush administration we will see big changes. these guys have to be called onto the carpet.