Friday, July 11, 2008

Obama Reacts to Debate in Germany.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she finds Barack Obama's plan to give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin a bit "odd." Obama's spokesman now says Obama will find a Berlin location for his speech that makes the most sense for him and his hosts.

Barack Obama's campaign team has responded to Angela Merkel's apparent discomfort over his bid to hold a speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. A spokesman for the chancellor said his choice to hold the speech at the historic setting was "odd" and that Merkel has "little sympathy for the Brandenburg Gate being used for electioneering and has expressed her doubts about the idea." But Obama's planners are still pushing ahead as they prepare the visit in less than two weeks' time.

More on the story.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Merkel made a deal with the Devil when dealing with George W. Bush. Now she will be found out and she is scared. Yes Merkel like others could lose her job too. Now we're seeing what Leaders Bush had in his back pocket other then Tony Blair. Merkel knew and helped Bush transport innocent kidnapped people to be tortured and the proof is with the airports in Germany. Obama is scaring alot of World Leaders who committed crimes with the Bush Administration.