Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday announcements; Open thread.

An email to me from the Newsjunkie Jason Leopold:

We are pleased to welcome to the world

Hill Lester Leopold!

Born today, July 11th at 8:01am We are all are doing wonderfully ...

Congratulations to Jason and his wife on their newborn son!

The second announcement is from Sandra Pennewiss, better known as Waterflake. As of Sunday, I am now the co-founder of It is honored for Waterflake to choose me as now a co-partner of the website. And I still contribute articles on the site. Newsinkling is a two year UK website that has five authors and twelve translators and editors and another member of the board.

On a side note: There is a new catagory on the front page on the site called Biloxi's Court. In Biloxi's Court, there are now subcatagories that readers can view articles in that one subcatagories. The subcatagories are CIA Leak Investigation, Deborah Jeane Palfrey and Juvenile Court (The OJJDP scandal).


PrissyPatriot said...

What a cutie pie!! Congradulations on the new bambino:)

PrissyPatriot said...

BTW, that's GREAT news regarding Newsinkling-LUV you guys!

Anonymous said...

Look at that beautiful baby! And so alert too :)
Congratulations, Jason!


airJackie said...

Congratulations to Jason and his wife. I had hope they would consider naming their baby Jackie but Hill is a cute name too. Jason has a beautiful gift from God and he and his wife are truly blessed.

Congratulations to you also SPB, you really do a great job and your website is one that should be read by people all over the world.

SP Biloxi said...


Thank you for the congrats on my new title on Newsinkling.

I will pass along your messages to Jason on his new arrival of his son. Jason and his wife deserve this part of happiness if you knew their story. I was surprised to get an email from Jason that his son was born. I predicted his son was going to arrive on July 4, an Independence day baby but it was a week later. I will probably hear from him this week since his wife will be released from the hospital this week.