Tuesday, July 08, 2008

It's confirm: Obama to give acceptance speech before crowd of 75,000.

“The Democratic Party is nominating a true change candidate this August, and it is only fitting that we make some big changes in how we put on the Convention,” DNC Chairman Howard Dean says. “By bringing the last night of the Convention out to the people, we will be able to showcase Barack Obama’s positive, people-centered vision for our country in a big way.”


airJackie said...

Smart move now let's see if Obama does another smart thing and picks Hillary as VP. With so many young voters this election who know the Constitution and the fact the words For the People By the People means this country belongs to the American people not a Political Party.

SP Biloxi said...

I think that Obama is flocking all of the candidates' voters and now just Hillary to lock arms to defeat McCain. This race is not about Hillary vs. Obama saga as the media negatively keep reporting. This is about getting new President in the office that will work for the people! Of course, Webb has been ruled out as VP. And Clark may have or havent blew his chaces as Veep. I still think that Obama is playing the media as a fiddle by playing down Hillary as the Veep. But, Hillary, in all shape and form, will play a big role should Obama wins the Presidency. Once Obama declares the nomination next month, it is important that all candidates' voters lock arms and embrace Obama and put their differences aside. This is going to be a very brutal race.

But, I think it is important for Obama to revamp the entire structure of a President. He will need a strong team including his Veep to put their egos and titles aside and work for the people as it supposed to be. It is important for Obama to put the right Veep as his running mate and not because of gender or affiliation of a past Presidency or anything to that nature. It is because he or she will work for the people and clean up the Bush mess.

Anonymous said...

i don't envy the next president. at times, i just shake my head and say: who would want that job? but i'm glad that there are peeps like barack willing to try and fix the "bushmess".

SP Biloxi said...


When the come back kid Clinton took office, much of the American people were looking at Clinton to whether he was anothet Daddy Bush. He left office with a large surplus in this country. Now, we are face with same family in office but large deficit. This is not going to be easy for the next President. And folks need get out of thair brains, that the economy is going to be fixed overnight. It is not only takes the the next President to get things done but it takes the American people to pitch. This is our country and not just the President.

Should Obama becomes the next President, he better make sure that Bush, Cheney, and others are held for their crimes. Get the UN involve and charge them with war crimes.

Anonymous said...

no doubt. they should be stung by their balls. ain't gonna happen. none the less, if the country is smart, it can undo much of the damage.