Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bush and the Twilight Zone; Open thread.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Bush might be in the Twilight Zone but the USA will pay the price. If people had read history of Hitler they would his power, greed drive was the same as Bush/Cheney. The United States had Leaders that built this nation on values only to see in 2000 all of this progress fall apart. One thing the Foreign countries learned well about the US is for the right price an American will sell out his country and morals. We are a country that assassinates it's President and even kills innocent people with no problem. I read the Rosenberg's were found innocent but we killed them. An American spy name Ted Hall did give the Atomic Weapon plan to Russia and was never charged as the US Government knew he was guilty. We teach of the horror of torture and crimes against humanity yet now the US does the same thing and justifies it.