Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bush addresses the Italian prime minister in Spanish: ‘Amigo! Amigo!’

And I know the international leaders are so glad that this is the last G8 meeting with this clown.

At the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia two years ago, President Bush was caught in a candid moment on an open microphone, complaining that some of his fellow world leaders “talk too long.” Though the G8 summit was in Japan this year, the open microphones during lunch were still there. As the New York Times’s Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports, Bush had a bit of a language mishap when speaking to “one of his best buddies in Europe,” Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi:

“Amigo! Amigo!” Mr. Bush called out cheerily in Spanish when he spotted the Italian prime minister. “How you doing, Silvio? Good to see you!” Later, the president wondered about his former Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin. “Did Putin come to see you since I saw you?” he asked Mr. Berlusconi. (He had not.)

Read Ms. Stolberg's article. Bush was simply embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

Anonymous said...

Ive read this topic for some blogs. But I think this is more informative.

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks for your compliments! ;D

A lot of the American people are just plain irritated by the President's comments and behavior. We can't wait until he leaves office for good! The clown did so much damage to this country that we can only pray that the next President restore this country back.

Anonymous said...

Yes, further embarrasement and ignorance before he leaves, more damage that will need damage control