Friday, July 11, 2008

Blowhard News for Friday.

Media gush over ‘the trademark John McCain wit.’
During a press conference today, Time’s Karen Tumulty asked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) whether he was still considering
former senator Phil Gramm for a Cabinet position. McCain replied, “I think Sen. Gramm would be in serious consideration for ambassador to Belarus,” a country still covered in radiation from Chernobyl. “Though I’m not sure the citizens of Minsk would welcome that,” he added. The media were delighted with his response, ignoring the fact that he dodged the original question:
Kelly O’Donnell, MSNBC: “Well that is classic McCain. He is using a sort of salty humor to make a point. We see that kind of a spark from John McCain all the time.”
Chris Cillizza, Washington Post: “John McCain trying to use the trademark John McCain wit.”

Fox News guests defend Gramm’s ‘nation of whiners’ comment.
Yesterday, Fox News guests defended Gramm’s comments. Matthew Alexander of Fox News, said Gramm was “technically right”:

ALEXANDER: I mean, technically he’s right — two periods of negative economic growth. So he is right, but you don’t wanna be saying that to voters. They’re not going to like that.

Right-radio talker Mike Gallagher applauded Gramm’s “guts,” claiming the current economy is “not that bad”

GALLAGHER: Well, I think Phil Gramm has the guts to say what a lot of you business experts are reading between the lines … Don’t think for one moment that the whiny news pundits and the gloom and doom pundits in the mainstream press aren’t impacting the way people are viewing the economy. … It’s not that bad. Phil Gramm put it best: misery sells newspapers.

McCain camp tries to link McCain to Colombian hostage release.
Last week, when Colombia infiltrated the FARC to successfully free 15 hostages, Fox News falsely tried to tie the rescue to Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) visit to the country. On McCain’s official blog yesterday, Michael Goldfarb glibly insinuated that McCain’s leadership led to the rescue:

Obama’s running on his judgment, so it seems fair to point out that he hasn’t even left the country and he’s already causing a diplomatic row. Meanwhile, McCain goes to Colombia and a bunch of hostages are freed from a terrorist group in a daring raid. Read into that what you will.

Yesterday, McCain (jokingly?) told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that “I’m happy to tell you that I orchestrated the rescue of those hostages.”


Anonymous said...

Of course the blowhards are still following Rudia, and care what this transvestite say.

Anonymous said...

Of course the blowhards are still following Rudia, and care what this transvestite say.