Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ashley Alexandra Dupre sex tape video release soon.

Remember Ashley? Well, another Paris Hilton. It looks like Ms. Dupre will make headlines again.

A provocative video of Ashley Dupre, the call girl that was at the center of the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal, will be released soon. The video footage that will be released was taken during Spring Break in 2003.

Joe Francis, of “Girls Gone Wild” fame announced today that he would release the 2003 footage soon. According to Francis, Ashley Dupre made seven full-length videos as part of the “Girls Gone Wild” series. Although she filed suit that Francis had ruined her reputation with the release of the videos, Francis provided footage of Dupre giving both verbal and written consent - and lying about her age. Francis says:
“Now that the distraction of this frivolous lawsuit is behind us and I have been vindicated, yet again, we’ve been given the green light to provide her with all the public exposure she could ask for.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

As Ashely is now the poster child for Christian American Values and Morals. We have seen the Media make Jamie Lyn Spears the one all young girls should follow. Now Ashley will be the example. We see Law Makers hire prostitutes, look for sex from men in the men's room even while voting on the Iraq war Foley was busy looking for young men to have sex with. Our Leaders lie under oath and commit crimes. Our President and VP are out right crooks and liars. The Media has been following the White House Propaganda Department reports and not the real news. Look for young woman to look at Ashley the girl to follow and do the same. Notice how even Ashley's Mother has no problem with her daughters actions. Remember Monica was taught by her Mother too. This is what has become of the real Middle Class America and it's values. With all the talk of Christan values by the Leaders, Law Makers, Ministers and Media we see it's not about sex it's about money.