Wednesday, July 09, 2008

AG Mukasey = Department of Injustice.

CYA, CYA, CYA, is all I say about the AG. Truly a sad day in justice under the leadership of Mukasey..

Mukasey Won’t Say Whether Gonzales Politicized The Justice Department
As ThinkProgress noted today, Attorney General Mike Mukasey
hedged when asked whether he would hold accountable Justice Department figures who politicized the DOJ’s internship and Honors program.

Under questioning from Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), Mukasey again hedged on whether he found the Department to be politicized when he was sworn in. “I have one simple question, did you find it politicized when you arrived?” Biden asked. Mukasey bumbled back and forth, repeatedly contradicting himself:

MUKASEY: The IG found it [politicized]. … What I found were enormously dedicated people dedicated to my succeeding.
BIDEN: That’s not my question. Did you find that some of those enormously dedicated people engaged in politicizing the administration of Justice?
MUKASEY: No. Otherwise I would not characterize them as enormously dedicated.
BIDEN: Well, that’s amazing, so you disagree with the IG report?
MUKASEY: I do not disagree with the IG report.

Mukasey Refuses To Hold Accountable Officials Who Politicized Justice Department Honors Program
In today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Russ Feingold (D-WI) sharply criticized the Bush administration for
politicizing the Justice Department’s internship and Honors programs. In fact, one of Feingold’s former law clerks was denied a spot, in part because he had worked for the progressive senator.

Feingold pressed Mukasey on how the Bush administration would hold the people who committed the wrongdoings accountable. Mukasey began stumbling over his words and attempting to dodge the question. When pressed further by Feingold, Mukasey continued to hedge:
FEINGOLD: But what about accountability for those who did this?
MUKASEY: I think that, um, to the extent that there is to be accountability, that was covered in the OIG report.
People who were, uh, deficient, uh, were, uh, are — some of them are no longer at the Department, others came in for criticism.
FEINGOLD: Well, I want a review —
MUKASEY: Um, if you can point to any criminal laws that were violated, obviously those —
FEINGOLD: I will take this up more later, but thank you for that initial response.

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