Monday, June 30, 2008

Dumbing down of the media: Tiger Woods or news?

Let's add Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton. Michael Jackson, Lindsey Lohan, and so on to the list of priorities from the media.

Crooks and Liars:

My buddy Media Bloodhound had a simple question: why was the announcement that Tiger Wood needed reconstructive knee surgery so important that it led the CBS Evening News for a full 4 1/2 minute segment (out of 22 minutes of broadcast time)? It wasn’t as if it was a slow news day.
So MBH contacted Rick Kaplan, Executive Producer of CBS Evening News, and this is his
pathetic answer:
“The Tiger Woods injury story was of major importance and we felt we needed to devote time to it as the lead. Tiger is arguably one of the world’s premiere athletes and his career is in some jeopardy with Tiger halting playing the sport for the year. It was certainly the most talked about story of the day, and the biggest story in most national newspapers. Our story contained implications for sports, millions of fans, and many aspects of business; which have by and large been revolutionized by the Tiger Woods phenomenon.”
If you want to know why such thin gruel often passes for serious news on network television, Mr. Kaplan’s statement perfectly underscores the warped priorities of corporate media.
Memo to media: Tiger Woods makes more money in endorsements alone than he does playing golf. So, Tiger will be resting fine for the remainder of the year. Go report on some real important news.

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