Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Recent House and Senate Votes

Recent House Votes

Combustible Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Act - Vote Passed
(247-165, 19 Not Voting)

The House voted to require the Department of Labor to issue interim and final occupational safety and health standards regarding worker exposure to combustible dust.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 - Vote Passed (414-1, 16 Not Voting)

The House agreed to this measure that would prohibit employers and health insurance issuers from discriminating against individuals on the basis of their genetic information.
Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act - Vote Passed (388-21, 22 Not Voting)

The House agreed with the Senate’s amendments to this bill intended to ensure the availability of low interest student loans.

Upcoming Votes

FAA Reauthorization Act - H.R.2881

The Senate is expected to vote on this bill to modernize the nation’s air traffic control system.

Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008 - H.R.5818

The House is scheduled to vote on this bill that would require the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to provide grants and loans for housing stimulus activities.
American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 - H.R.___

The House is also likely to work on this bill that aims to reduce foreclosures.

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