Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hispanic media coalition calls OxyContin Limbaugh’s comment ‘nasty, bigoted, racist.’

Alex Nogales, president of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, has quite a different take:
What can I tell you? It’s the same kind of nasty, bigoted, racist type of comment that has become so prevalent in today’s society, as practiced by Lou Dobbs, as practiced by [Sean] Hannity, [Bill] O’Reilly, [Michael] Savage — all these guys who are appealing to a particular bigoted audience, and fanning the fires of bigotry and racism by doing these kinds of things without real concern about the consequences of their words.
Update: Mario Solis-Marich writes, "As a member of the largest minority ethnic group and a member of the media, I am continually puzzled and outraged by the idea that anyone can say anything about Latinos without fearing any consequence."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Well this has become common place not only from Limbaugh but from most of the Media and Law Makers. Racism is alive and well in America. As the rest of the countries join together the USA is falling apart. Our country was founded as Rev. Wright on stealing the land from the Indians and then bringing black slaves over on boats to do the work. Facts don't change no matter how long ago it happen. Yes it was cruel but one would think we learned from our mistakes. We didn't! Now young people are being taught the same prejudice we fought so hard to remove. Yesterday was the Anniversary of a land mark case of Mr. and Mrs. Loving. The Supreme Court said blacks could marry whites. I was told by many adults that the marriage of a black/white wouldn't last. With God's blessings Mr. and Mrs. Loving's marriage lasted until their death. There are children and grandchildren produced from the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Loving. Now what does that say about our country. When racist people die they will find no place in heaven to live. As God doesn't deal with race He created all humans and loves them equally. So I guess hell is the place to go for racist.