Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Write your own caption.


airJackie said...

Hi I'm Cindy, I'm Rich and I brought John McCain. Don't worry I have millions of dollars of life insurance on him so I can stay Rich after he's gone.

Anonymous said...

Not a pretty site, I hope this wonderful couple won't be in the AH. You have to wonder what is wrong with Cindy who could not find a guy her own age. Usually women with money can find plenty of men in her own generation. The women after money or fame go for the old guys, but these women don't have much. By the look on her face she is probably as crazy as the lady in the WH now.

Anonymous said...

Hello, we love beer money, prosper from addiction, have mob family & friends, enjoy war profiteer conversations, support bloody battles overseas, help our oil buddies, condone pollution for profit, support monopolizing industry, support sending jobs overseas, believe our system of justice is honest, and we love the Lord and attend church every Sunday.

Please vote for us.

SP Biloxi said...


Great caption! I had the laugh at that one. "We love the Lord." LOL!

Even Jesus would change the channel on McCain in heaven.