Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Phil Donahue to Bombastic Lad: ‘So you are arguing that we are safer that we attacked Iraq?’

Crooks and Liars:
OK, Hannity is total idiot. I know you know that, I do. I know you know it. I do……
Hannity: It’s not that any of us on the conservative side like war, Phil.
Has he checked his stock portfolio lately? Let’s grab his good pal Joe Liebermann or the neocon’s main man, Bill Kristol.
War, war, war. Ahhh, say it loud with me now. W-A-R!
Hannity: Nobody wants to see innocent people die. We don’t want to see our neighbor’s lose their legs and suffer for the rest of their lives.
Could he be talking about the thousands of innocent Iraqis that have lost their lives and limbs in this war? A man like Hannity would never think about something as humane as that.
So you are arguing that we are safer that we attacked Iraq?
You’re darn right. Absolutely.
We are safer?
Yes. And it was the right thing to do.
And we’ll be even safer when we bomb Iran, hmmm?
Well it all depends. blah, blah, blah…


airJackie said...

Any person who thinks the US illegal invasion of Iraq hasn't made things worse for the US is either on drugs, being paid to lie or mental.

Anonymous said...

Hannity, the most vial, obnoxious airwave pollutant of the current time.