Sunday, April 06, 2008

Kerry: McCain’s ‘100 Years’ Remarks Show A ‘Fundamental Misunderstanding Of Iraq Itself’

Another military lawmaker's smackdown of Grampa McSame...


In November 2007, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said a Korea-like presence is not an “analogy” he would use for Iraq, recognizing that the “nature of the society in Iraq” would force a withdrawal — making the South Korea model implausible.

Now, McCain is saying critics of a long-term U.S. presence are “dishonest” and engaging in “nonsense talk.” Today on Fox News Sunday, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) noted McCain’s flip flop on the Korea model, saying it shows McCain is displaying a “fundamental misunderstanding” of Iraqi society.

In fact, on the hundred years war issue, John McCain is being disingenuous. Because what he said in that interview [Charlie Rose] was ‘as long as there is no violence,’ which indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of Iraq itself.

Kerry added that the intelligence shows this kind of occupation would be a 100-year cause celebre for extremists:

Our own National Intelligence people tell us it is the American presence that is attracting jihadists and creating violence. So if he’s talking about being there for 40 years, 100 years, he’s talking about attracting more and more terrorists and not paying attention to the larger challenge.

Remember the $5.00 rugs and how McSame with his 100 entourage said how safe the streets are in Baghdad? Well, here is sad news:

Three U.S. soldiers killed in Green Zone attack.»

The AP reports that a “rocket attack on the U.S.-protected Green Zone on Sunday killed three American soldiers and wounded at least 31 people, a military official said. The strike came after heavy fighting in a Baghdad neighborhood that left 20 dead and more than 50 wounded in the worst violence here since a cease-fire was declared a week ago.”

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