Sunday, April 06, 2008

Government witnesses for the DC Madam trial.

<---Ah, yes, Vitter, the witness for the defense...
The only named government witness, thus far, is Detective Keith Haight, a 34-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department who has been involved in about 2,000 prostitution investigations.

According to declarations filed last month, he will be the government's expert on terms of art from the oldest profession -- for instance, "PSE" (porn star experience); "get comfortable" (translation: get naked); and "reckless eyeballing" (when a prostitute looks at another pimp). Robertson said on Friday that he would decide later in the trial whether to admit Haight as a witness. At Friday's hearing, Zuckerman Spaeder partner Steven Salky argued that the government shouldn't disclose his client, a man whose name is under seal. The client was granted immunity to testify during the grand jury probe, and Salky said prosecutors should grant him immunity again, if they want him to testify at trial. Robertson told Salky it appeared likely his client would be called to the stand.

The indictment lists 14 former escorts who are cooperating with the government, all of whom are expected to testify. That could pose a tough challenge for Palfrey and Burton.

"If these women have a rather colorful past, you can stand before the jury and say, 'They're not worthy of your belief,'" says Herald Price Fahringer, a longtime lawyer for the adult entertainment industry who famously represented Hustler publisher Larry Flynt before the Supreme Court. "But by the time they bring the 12th or 14th witness, it gets a little tough."

It's not clear yet if any of Palfrey's former clients will take the stand. Vitter is the most obvious candidate, but there's also State Department official Randall Tobias, who resigned as director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development in April 2007, after admitting to using Palfrey's services. Tobias said he used the service for massages.

And of course Detective Haight is known for working on the Heidi Fleiss case. Who is the government's mystery witness? In May 2007, Mr. Salky wrote a letter to ABC News requesting them not to disclose his client on the 20/20 interview with Ms. Palfrey:

Former client of 'DC Madam' fights to keep name secret

Independent News and Media Limited By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
Published: 04 May 2007

"A former client of the woman described as the "DC Madam" is trying to prevent his name being made public tonight in a television news programme expected to lay out details of the alleged vice ring run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey for 13 years."

"In a letter to lawyers of the ABC network, the attorney Steven Salky said he had "reason to believe" his client would feature in ABC News's prime time 20/20 programme."

The client is a well-to-do private citizen, according to a source familiar with the investigation who is prohibited from discussing it publicly.

The real question is why is the government's mystery witness given immunity and what crime did he commit?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Love baby Vitters. I have to send Mr. Kitty some tissue when Vitters gets on the stand and cries. This is interesting. If Vitters takes the 5th the defense only needs to go to the video tape. If he does admit he had sex the answers will destroy one of the Prosecution witnesses as she signed a contract not to have sex. Now as for that secret witness one can only ask why a john would need immunity and what was the crime he committed? This is a very weak Prosecution case and more holes in it then Swiss Cheese. As this is a criminal case the jurors have to look for the answers to be beyond a reasonable doubt, as it stand it's doubt all over this case and the Judge even has his doubt.