Monday, April 07, 2008

Despite His Votes To Cut Veterans Funding, McCain Says We Owe Vets ‘A Debt We Can Never Repay’


Today, Sen. John McCain spoke to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City, MO. He spoke at length about the sacrifice paid by U.S. soldiers in Iraq, acknowledging “how little has been asked of others compared to their service” and declaring that the nation owes veterans “a debt that we can never fully repay.”

He also said that veterans should have access to “the highest quality health…care in the world” upon returning:

As President, I will do everything in my power to ensure that those who serve today and those who have served in the past have access to the highest quality health, mental health and rehabilitative care in the world. The disgrace of Walter Reed must not be forgotten. … Whatever our commitments to veterans cost, we will keep them, as you have kept every commitment to us. The honor of a great nation is at stake.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Yes, and he has no intention of trying. I know there is documentation he was a POW, but he sure doesn't act like a vet who did anything but a desk job during Nam.

Seriously, these republican veterans are weird and DO NOT think this country owes its vets anything. Why?