Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A crook endorses a crook.

Grover Norquist Endorses Condi Rice for Veep — No speaker goes to conservative activist Grover Norquist's Wednesday breakfast meeting without a purpose. And so it was with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice two weeks ago when she convinced a rapt audience — without even raising the possibility.


airJackie said...

Good to hear from Grover after he hide from the public during the Jack Abramoff case. I look forward to Ralph Reed endorsing Connie. Looks like the GOP has found a way to beat the Dems. Woman don't like Hillary and Obama is getting to much attention and votes. So to end the problem Americans will have a White male President and a black female VP. Yes woman of all colors will support a woman if she's a Republican. All America needed was a black female to turn things around. All the woman who object to Hillary can now cass their vote for the female candidate as we support Woman's Rights. American can continue it's long legacy of having a White Male as President even if both the President and VP wont be running the White House. Now Dick Cheney can keep his office and budget while he gives McCain and Connie their orders to follow.

Anonymous said...


Weren't Norquist, Reed, and Abramoff the Wynkin, Blynkin and Nod of Young Conservative College Republicans, or were their frat-boy handles, Huey, Luey and Duey?

And they're backing Condi? Why don't they get Clarence Thomas instead?

He's black, too. They like women better, hmmm?

SP Biloxi said...

Clarence Thomas? Thomas has serious issues. He has an identity crisis.