Monday, January 07, 2008

Tweety: Hillary Clinton’s Message Of Experience Isn’t Working.

Crooks and Liars:

Chris Matthews has being going after Hillary Clinton with a passion during the campaign, but on this morning’s Chris Matthews Show it wasn’t just Tweety who was doubting her, his panelists were all in agreement — there’s a long way to go in the primary season, but right now, things don’t look good for Hillary Clinton.

The consensus was that the message that worked for Barack Obama in Iowa was change, yet Clinton is still playing the experience card in New Hampshire. It’s obvious that she isn’t going to give up and has plenty of money to stay in for the long haul, but the feeling among all the panelists is that Hillary is going to have to change her message and image if she wants to beat Obama. So much can happen in an instant — is this line of thinking premature?


KittyBowTie1 said...

The cat's got it:

Obama = Carter after Watergate. Americans were so fed up with government after Watergate they elected an unknown governor from Georgia. I seriously doubt Carter would have been elected without Watergate first. Americans were totally fed up and wanted the total opposite. That's what Obama is to the current Republicans.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Carter ended up looking very weak. If Obama and not Clinton gets the nomination, then he better pick someone strong as VP.

airJackie said...

Your so right Mr. Kitty. I like Obama and he gives a great speech but. He just get to be Senator and this mess is 1000 times what Nixon left. Now if Obama does get in we have to look at what he's done in office for the State of Illinois. If he has gotten bills passed to help his State then that will help him stand on those facts. If he has just got the job then spends his time running for President he will fall. Your only as good as the people who you hire. Obama is talking about putting Arnie in his Cabinet. If that happens look for a quick impeachment and Republicans get back in office. Obama was tested by McCain the first day on the job and got knocked down. As McCain publicly told Obama, learn the job first. That's why McCain would rather go up against Obama and use the video tape to show he's not ready. I guess Illinois is doing much better then other States as I listen to Obama's speeches. It's good to have Illinois as an example of success in these hard times.

SP Biloxi said...

If Obama wins the nomination, I am sure that he will choose a person WITH experience since he has no experience in foreign policy. The Middle Eastern countries are so messed up by the Gerbil's interference that there is a distrust for our gov't. And I know Bubba will play a major role in the WH in 2009.