Saturday, January 05, 2008

Open Thread for Saturday.


airJackie said...

Memo to Richard Nixon we have up graded the crime plan you gave us. We have lined all the Depts. with loyal Bushies. We stacked the Supreme Court and we tell them how to vote. One mistake we had to appoint a gay Judge who's in the closet, a stupid dumb Black Judge who sees dead people and a Judge who has a fake marriage and his a girlfriend he takes care of. Yes the DOJ is totally under the VP controlled. The GOP is now full of perverts, child molesters and those who hire hookers while using taxpayers money. Goldman Sachs is using the US Treasury for inside information and the NSA to spy on business to take over them. Education is being down sized and it's working well. Oh and Karl Rove did a great job of tricking Americans into believing God said to put Bush in office. Next we'll sell the American people the Brooklyn Bridge they'll buy it.

PrissyPatriot said...

Yes and they greatly underestimate the anger within the general populace- of living under the Bushite occupation-here AND overseas...

KittyBowTie1 said...

How's the weather in California? Did Ahnold slip Mother Nature some margarine instead of butter and she's mad about being fooled?

KittyBowTie1 said...

I feel like I missed a whole day but I only missed a half day. I had read some of yesterday's posts.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty you also make me laugh. Yes my little hair ball who is Gravel? I loved the Wall Street comment.

Now it's cold out her in California but still not as cold has Chicago. You have all that fur to keep you warm I have a hat on with gloves, leg warmers, scarf and bathrobe and of course booties. I think I'm getting old as I can't move as fast as I once did and that's becoming a problem. Now I'll sit with a cup of tea and watch Transformer, Ratatouille, Spiderman and of course Harry Potter. I haven't got Homer Simpson yet.
Mr. Kitty I love Transformers and when Peaches calls I sing the song I know she's pulling the phone away from her ear. Now the Rat is so cute I have a stuff animal of Ratatouille Peaches gave me. I call her Rat-a-2-e and she calls me Linguini. Well Mr. Kitty you can just be La Cat.

SP Biloxi said...

Having a bad day kittybowtie??

KittyBowTie1 said...

Falafel batters Obama staff member

SP Biloxi said...


I heard about that. That will be posted for Sunday's discussion as well as other Falafel issues.