Monday, January 07, 2008

McCain-Huckabuck: The Obvious Ticket?

Ross aired the possibility last November. I sort of concurred. But at this point, it surely looks like a way to hold the GOP together, and offer a real contrast with a possible Obama movement on the other side. The key would be McCain's agreement to one-term. Huckabee is then the heir apparent, poised for 2012 with more national seasoning, and can complete the task of turning the Republicans into socially conservative economic populists. Both men like the power of the federal government, bait corporations, and back the Iraq war almost unreservedly. It's not my style of conservatism, but it is a logical next step to the past several years in Republicanism.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Let's see, the tortured + the father of the dog torturer.

Anonymous said...

This will balance Huckabee out so he balanced for how far to the right and experience, it seems like a possibility. How about Obama/Edwards?

airJackie said...

What a nightmare. That ticket would make Americans really think about moving to Canada. Another 4 years of stay the course would wipe us out. Rev. Huck is looking at putting up camps for those the USA doesnt want mixed in with regular people. First we'd see sick people in camps, then minorities in camps and in the end we'd have the two party system of the Rich and the Poor. No need for immigrants or for Mitt's kids to be in the Military. We'd just draw our troops from the camps. Limit health care to those we want to keep and let the others die. As for Seniors, their to costly. If your a Rich Senior you're ok if you aren't let them die.

I say if anyone has studied the Holocaust you'll see the up dated one with this ticket.

SP Biloxi said...

I hope that this is not a Prez ticket. Both are scary.