Sunday, January 06, 2008

Countdown’s Worst Persons: Rudy, Billo & Roger.

BillO should have gotten the gold over this. Falafel King called Obama's staff a SOB:

Crooks and Liars:

Bill O’Reilly went on FOX News via telephone to tell his side of the story. He got into a confrontation with an Obama staffer because his poor little camera got blocked.

O’Reilly: Some guy comes over, he’s about six foot eight according to the press reports and he stands in front of the Factor camera. So I asked him fairly nicely, “you’re blocking our shot sir, you need to move a little bit.
…so I had to gently remove him from that position. No scuffle, I just moved him from the spot.. I might have called him an SOB, that’s possible, nothing more than that. No one on this earth is going block a shot on the O’Reilly Factor. It is not going to happen.

And the gold goes to...

A sparkling list of hackery marks Friday’s Worst Person in The World for Countdown. The bronze goes to Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani for letting his 9/11 Tourettes outbursts reach the point of caricature. Perennial list sitter Bill O’Reilly gets the silver for being too stupid to know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as well as having the bad taste to be proud of said stupidity. And finally, the gold goes to the richly deserved Roger Ailes for his revolutionary FOX Business Channel, who has only averaged 6,300 viewers during the day and 15,000 during prime time.


KittyBowTie1 said...

It's on YouTube:

short clip

Then he tries to kiss ass with Obama to get an interview

KittyBowTie1 said...

I found this comment buried on YouTube:

"gematria79 (5 hours ago)
Racist Bill O'Reilly 6'4" SHOVED 6'8" Obama staffer, screamed in his face & insulted him. O'Reilly plans to hold the footage of his little stunt until his show airs on Monday so he can put his own SPIN on it.Fox & Rupert Murdoch's media machine is frantically trying to cover his ASS.
Don't play into their game. Don't treat them like they are really a legitimate news agency. Rupert Murdoch and everything he touches is garbage, and should be treated that way."

SP Biloxi said...

"Don't treat them like they are really a legitimate news agency."

And I agree with that comment. Fox News should never be treated as true name in journalism. Fox News is nothing but trash IMHO.

SP Biloxi said...

p.s. I hope Obama continues to snub Fox.