Sunday, January 06, 2008

ABC/GOP New Hampshire Debate: Comedy Act.

Crooks and Liars:

The ABC/GOP debate in New Hampshire today showed few surprises, but did bring some heated discussions as the candidates pulled out all the right wing talking points in the final push for votes. The format being used by ABC lent itself well to actual conversation, which is refreshing. The question in this clip went to Ron Paul, asking him his opinion on the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war and the the politics of fear took over.
Paul explains how U.S. foreign policy helped fuel the attacks of 9/11, and from there, the rest of the candidates go on the offense. Watching them try to explain how the islamofacists hate us for our freedoms and why America’s actions play no role in terrorism is nothing short of comical. Mitt Romney, once again showing his ignorance to history and international issues, says that the U.S. needs to help bring Islamic countries into “modernity and moderation” — then proceeds to give President Bush a beaming endorsement for keeping us safe. And, right on cue, Rudy Giuliani chimes in, claiming our foreign policy was “totally irrelevant” to 9/11 and terrorism in general. This clip is proof positive that if elected, all of the GOP front runners will continue the failed Bush Doctrine of perpetual war, and are completely unfit to lead our country.


KittyBowTie1 said...

They are totally clueless and ignorant about Islam, with Romney and Rudia taking the lead on that.

It's long past time to put the Kool-Aid down.

SP Biloxi said...

It was nothing but a circus act, Kittybowtie, last night. I basically mute alot of the Repub debate because it was just nauseaing. The Democrat debate was much better than the Repuubs. And Charlie Gibson and the moderator didn't do a good job in controlling both political party debates. He allowed those moron GOPs to run loose.