Sunday, January 06, 2008

3 percenter Carpetbagger Keyes.

The Carpetbagger Report:

You might have noticed that Alan Keyes did not win the Iowa caucuses.

I was pretty surprised. After all, in late December I received a special message from Keyes himself assuring me that his campaign was on fire. It looked like a lock.

Why I am I getting messages from Alan Keyes? I’ve mentioned before that I signed up with some kook right organizations just to see their e-mail alerts. Even though these groups always promise they won’t provide your info to anyone else, they lie and do just that. One of them gave my address to the Keyes campaign, and now I’m getting messages from that nut.

I’m not complaining. They are entertaining messages that enable me to take a rare peek into the mind of a seriously disturbed individual and the few deluded souls who follow him.
A recent fund-raising appeal carried the subject line, “Alan Keyes Breaks Out in National Polls.” Inside it read:

This week, the USA Today/Gallup Poll showed me EVEN with Ron Paul and AHEAD of long-running conservatives Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo, even though I have only been actively in the race a few weeks.

I thought to myself, “That’s odd. I don’t recall any stories showing Alan Keyes breaking out of anything — except perhaps a mental institution.” The message was dated Dec. 26. I looked up the poll. What Keyes never mentions in the letter is that in the poll, he is at 3 percent.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Keyes is running again . . . why?

airJackie said...

Yes Keyes is winning the election but it's on the planet K Pak not earth. Even the Transformers wouldn't vote for him now that's sad. What I don't get is Keyes was allowed in a debate, while candidates that are running are refused. It's not just Fox news.

SP Biloxi said...

And what is interesting is that Keyes was allow to debate and he wasn't running as Prez. Yet, ABC and Fox booted certain Prez candidates from debating.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Keyes still owns his residence on the South side of Chicago.....maybe if Obama wins he will go for his Senate seat again.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I'm sure the Milkman will run.