Friday, October 19, 2007

Most Russians think of CIA as world’s major terrorist organization.

A recent opinion poll conducted by Yury Levada’s Research Center showed that 30 percent of Russians believe that the USA’s Central Intelligence Agency is a terrorist organization. Almost one-third of the polled Russian people therefore agreed with Iranian officials who ascribed USA’s CIA and Armed Forces to terrorist organizations.

Iranian officials released such a harsh statement in response to USA’s decision to declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization.

Nevertheless, 32 percent of Russian citizens are certain that the CIA has nothing in common with terrorism.

In the meantime, up to 70 percent of Russians condemn the intention of the US administration to conduct pinpoint strikes on the camps of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and nuclear objects of Iran. Only eight percent of the polled approved the actions of the US administration against the Islamic Republic of Iran.


KittyBowTie1 said...

I want to point out that Russians have Islamophobia way more than Americans. For most Russians to be against attacks on Iran means something.

Iran has traded with Russia for years, including tons of non-military items like spaghetti. Go figure--the Iranians are good at making spaghetti noodles!?

Anonymous said...

After the Caspian Summit we know where Russia stands on Iran.