Saturday, October 27, 2007

Girlfriday panhandles to Bubba, Carter for Middle East advice

Ain't this a bitch? The WH threw Bubba and Carter under the bus,backed up and ran them over again. And now the WH are beggers!!!!!! Condi is nothing but a joke. The Clown and Supreme Leader are sad!!! Talked all that smack about them and they have to crawl back for help from Democrats!!!!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anxious not to repeat mistakes of past Middle East peace-making, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has turned to former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for tips ahead of her own conference this year.
Rice invited Carter, a vocal critic of Bush administration policies, to the State Department on Wednesday where the two discussed his Arab-Israeli peacemaking efforts in the 1970s, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said on Friday.

Their talks were "good and cordial," he said. They focused on the Middle East and not Carter's recent criticism of President George W. Bush's policies in Iraq and elsewhere.

A Soviet specialist, Rice also telephoned another former Democratic president, Bill Clinton, who tried, and ultimately failed, in his eight years in office to bring the Israelis and Palestinians together.

"She's trying to draw on the historical record and the experiences of others to see -- see what she can glean and how that may be applicable to the current day," McCormack said.

"She is a student of history and has a keen appreciation for how we can apply the lessons of history, what we can learn from those who have gone before us," he said.
Other sources of advice have been former U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross and ex-secretaries of state James Baker, Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. Rice meets frequently for lunch with Albright, whose father taught Rice at Denver University.
Rice has made clear she will devote all her energy in the Bush administration's final 14 months to get what others have failed to attain in the past -- a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side with a secure Israel.

The top U.S. diplomat, who has been to Israel and the Palestinian Territories seven times this year and returns next week, is preparing the ground for a Palestinian statehood conference expected to be held in late November or early December, in Annapolis, Maryland.

Clinton hosted many Middle East peace summits at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, even in his final month in office in January 2001, but never managed to get an Israeli-Palestinian deal.

Carter held secret negotiations at Camp David that led to a 1978 deal between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Rice also has been scouring historical records for pointers. During her summer break in August, she checked out volumes of historical background from the State Department's library on Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, a department official said.


PrissyPatriot said...

And what pray tell, does Galfriday think her limited mind will accomplish? More war? Seems to be all she's good at...

Anonymous said...

Anxious not to repeat mistakes of past Middle East peace-making, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has turned to former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for tips ahead of her own conference this year.

....doesn't she mean make any more mistakes?

Yes Clinton and Carter were cordial, they would do anything to help this country they love out of this mess. But could they get through to her? That's the big question.

SP Biloxi said...

Girlfriday needs Bubba and Carter because the Middle East are deaf ears with her and the Gerbil. Both the Gerbil and Rice lacks the knowledge of foerign policy and Middle Eastern leaders know that. The Gerbil and Girlfriday had made total asses of themselves in dealing with the Middle Eastern leaders.

airJackie said...

When all fail or your at the bottom call Bill Clinton for help. Yes Bush has been talking alot of stuff lately and runing off at the mouth. Now the US is in trouble as China and Russia are ready to protect Iran. Bush needs a leader who is educationed and respected around the world as an honest man. Yes the White House called Bill Clinton to step up and do what he does best run the United States of America. Yes when the US needs a President the GOP calls Bill Clinton.