Saturday, October 27, 2007

Countdown: O'Fafafel Goes Nuts Over Teh Gay Dumbledore

Crooks and Liars:
The Falafel Guy used the brain in the giant head of his to concoct the theory that author J.K. Rowling is somehow trying give gays parity with heterosexuals and indoctrinate kids into gayness by revealing that the fictional character Dumbledore is gay. The Culture Warrior has been trying his best to get his guests to agree with him, but he’s not having much luck — even former comedian turned Fox whiner Dennis Miller wouldn’t sign on to this latest nutbaggery.
Olbermann: “A month after his racist remarks about a New York restaurant, O’Reilly now coming out against tolerance a little more than four years after, according to the lawsuit from his former producer Andrea Mackris, BillO tried to talk her and a female friend of hers into performing homosexual acts while he was present. To paraphrase, the hypocrite mantra — Do as I say, not as I fantasize.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard enough of him on condemning all of San Franscisco for the Gay Pride parade........this guy is not worth getting upset about, people have to realize he is a big mouthed, ignorant baffoon. Faux noose is truley for entertainment and not news. Falafel guy is proof, anyone with any intelligence will not buy his books or listen to him.