Monday, August 06, 2007

Video of Hillary's Breakout Session at Yearly Kos.

Thank you Josh Marshall at TPM for putting together this video!

Josh writes:

Following Saturday's Presidential Leadership Forum at Yearly Kos, each of the 2008 candidates held individual Q&A "Breakout Sessions" with a roomful of people. Here are the highlights from Senator Hillary Clinton's session, which due to a scheduling conflict actually took place just before the presidential forum.

From Talkleft:

Thanks to Talking Points Memo for posting video of big portions of Hillary Clinton's breakout session -- including one of the two questions I got to ask her -- "How is your attorney general going to be different than Alberto Gonzales?" My question starts at 1:40 into the clip.
The other question I asked her was about warrantless electronic surveillance. I asked her if she were President, what kind of warrantless monitoring procedures would she authorize and what kind would she refuse to authorize? I haven't seen a clip of her answer to that anywhere yet.

Reportedly, there were 350 people who chose to attend Hillary's breakout session over those of the other candidates. That's 1/4 of those who attended Yearly Kos. I think any notion that Hillary was not enthusiastically welcomed at Yearly Kos is wrong.

I thought she excelled during the breakout. As you can see from the entirety of the clip (not just my portion) she was cheered throughout. As Newsweek reported, "The audience lapped it up."

And yes, some of the nimrod media did report that Hillary was booed. She was not booed from watching this video. Many in the media are simply afraid of Hillary Clinton. And I certainly wanted to hear what she had to say on issues especially the topic of warrantless monitoring procedures..

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Hillary is looking stronger and leading the field. She has proven herself to be a leader.
Now if the GOP could use Harry Potter's wand they would win by making Hillary/Obama Republicans. The the field of candidates the GOP has it's so bad even Republicans are looking for someone else. We need a smart President who will work for the American people not big business.
I'll leave Bush/Cheney/Rummy/Rove/Rice in God's hands.