Monday, July 16, 2007

Rummy ‘invited’ to testify about Pat Tillman.

From Thinkprogress:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced today they will hold a hearing on August 1, 2007, looking into “what the leadership of the Defense Department knew” about the friendly fire death of U.S. Army Corporal Patrick Tillman in Afghanistan. Invited to testify: former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

WHO: The following witnesses are invited to testify:

· The Honorable Donald Rumsfeld
Former Secretary of Defense

· Gen. Richard B. Myers (Retired)
Former Chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff

· Gen. John P. Abizaid (Retired)
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command

· Gen. Bryan Douglas Brown (Retired)
Former Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command

· Lt. Gen. Philip R. Kensinger, Jr. (Retired)
Former Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command

· Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal
Commander, Joint Special Operations Command

WHEN: 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 1

WHERE: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

1 comment:

airJackie said...

When will this family get the truth. McCain should be charged with covering up too. Rummy is give the Libby defense and will tell the family to get over it as Bush tells Americans when he gets caught in his lies. The Tillman family should push to get a new Senator who will give the honest answers they need to get closure.