Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pelosi smear group widens.

Jane Hamsher from FDL has more details on the Republican Jewish Coalition, which is bankrolling a series of attack ads on Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) over her trip to Syria: “The board is quite the rogues gallery and includes Ari Fleischer, David Frum, Sheldon Adelson, Lewis M. Eisenberg and Ken Mehlman. They also financed ads for Lieberman during his senate race, and has some lovely overlap with the Scooter Libby Defense Fund.”


Anonymous said...

Of course because she is going to make more look bad the more she does.
Any answer on my extra credit question yet? Or are you still working on it?

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

You mean my comment on a prior posting:

"extra credit question:
Name all the great things they have done?"

Hmmm.. I'm still thinking...

LOL! What do you think my answer would be? The only thing 'good' that the Gerbil has done is resurfaced the definition of a "dictator." Maybe many folks in this country would appreciate what the Founding Fathers had created for this country, not to take their freedoms for granted, and have rights to demand from their officials to work and serve the public first and not the other way around.

airJackie said...

Remember Israel has a corrupt team working with the US. There is more crime in Israel then the US. As for the Government of Israel very weak. Pelosi only worked with the government not the criminals. Notice who the Bush Administration is working with. This is a front to keep Pelosi from addressing the problem of talking to our so called enemy. A person with a brain would know you can't resolve problems without talking. Notice how Bush likes to continues the problems and deaths while Big Business/Cheney keep stealing.