In a press conference Tuesday, President Bush said "we've made an unprecedented number of documents available," referring to the 3,000+ pages of email correspondences released by the Department of Justice.
Waxman points out that over two million pages of internal documents were turned over to Congress during the investigations into the Clinton administration.
Waxman's letter points out that the Bush administration has allowed its staff to testify under oath and in public as recently as last week. "This past Monday, the White House allowed both the current chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the former chief of staff of CEQ to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.... And last Friday, the director of the office of security for the White House appeared before the House Committee...." Both instances from hearings this week specifically addressed communications between White House aids.
The battle over the ability of Congress to force Bush administration officials to testify under oath and in public will determine how deeply Democrats are able to dig during their investigations into possible wrongdoings of Republicans since the Bush administration took power.
President Bush claims that he will fight against any subpoenas and take this matter to court.
With Democrats on the war path and the Bush administration backed into a corner after losing control of both houses of Congress, the US government has reached an impasse. If Bush allows his staff members to testify regarding the firings of eight US attorneys, he will open his administration up to subpoenas on multiple fronts. With powerful Democrats demanding on-the-record testimony, and an embattled president well known for his intransigence, this battle will be bloody.
"Waxman's letter and report can be viewed here"
Be afraid be very afraid.
Clinton's case is coming back to be the root to the end for Bush. With former cases like Clinton and Nixon, Bush and Republicans have to burn the Constitution to get away with this. Even the Supreme Court appointed Justices would find this one hard to support. If they do then we will see that the United States has no Justice System that isn't corrupt. The Supreme Court took a big hit will appointing Bush illegally. Now it's to their best interest to stay out of it. Justice Roberts asked for a raise he might be looking for a job is the Court falls with the Bush Administration. I fear for out kids as Gonzales goes out door to door teaching kids to lie even under oath. Does anyone believe in God anymore or it is just lip service.
Hi Biloxy
I remember when I first heard you mentionHenry Waxman and I wondered who in the world he was. Now it looks like he is a key player in the whole WMD thing. He is sure in the right place at the right
This wholesome dude isn't overlooking any thing, and putting bush and Co. on the spot. I sure hope he doesn't give Harriet Myers a bikini wax...that would be a sight for sore eyes...My favorite Waxman video is this one where he takes Toesuck to the wood shed.
We need more people on the warpath of this administration. When Clinton hurt his wife the Republicans were on a never ending war path.
From what I gather Geezerpower, Waxman is smarter than to get anywhere near Miers or Psycho Laura.
LOL! Geezerpower.. I was on the floor rolling when Waxman grilled ToeSkank! ToeSkank really showed the public how worthless her testimony. She certainly should be charged with making false statement regarding Ms. Wilson not being a covert. Yes, Waxman is one tough person. Waxman is a dangerous person and a threat to the Admininstration. What you saw at the hearing is really Henry Waxman. He is a pistol but his main job to being accountable for the taxpayers' money. He has a wonderful secretary in his office but he takes his job very seriously. But, he did put ToeSkunk in her place.
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