Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Lam/Dickster/MZM Inc./Cunningham connection

All roads lead to a corrupted White House..

But there is evidence to believe that the White House may also have been on Lam’s target list. Here are the connections:

– Washington D.C. defense contractor Mitchell Wade pled guilty last February to paying then-California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham more than $1 million in bribes.

– Wade’s company MZM Inc. received its first federal contract from the White House. The contract, which ran from July 15 to August 15, 2002, stipulated that Wade be paid $140,000 to “provide office furniture and computers for Vice President Dick Cheney.”

– Two weeks later, on August 30, 2002, Wade purchased a yacht for $140,000 for Duke Cunningham. The boat’s name was later changed to the “Duke-Stir.” Said one party to the sale:

“I knew then that somebody was going to go to jail for that…Duke looked at the boat, and Wade bought it — all in one day. Then they got on the boat and floated away.”

– According to Cunningham’s sentencing memorandum, the purchase price of the boat had been negotiated through a third-party earlier that summer, around the same time the White House contract was signed.

To recap, the White House awarded a one-month, $140,000 contract to an individual who never held a federal contract. Two weeks after he got paid, that same contractor used a cashier’s check for exactly that amount to buy a boat for a now-imprisoned congressman at a price that the congressman had pre-negotiated.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Follow the money it always lead to the crook. Halliburton CEO Cheney is busy right now moving the company out of the United States before Waxman gets the goods on the crimes and stolen money Cheney gave Halliburton. Now it's everyone for themselves in the White House. Gonzo is using the kids just as Fingers Foley did. Karl Rove is up to his neck in crime and is sticking to the idiot Gerbil for protection. Look for more to come out about cases that the White House got involved with illegally.