Friday, March 23, 2007

It's the Rocky and Billwinkle show...

This is how you treat Bill O'Reilly. On Tuesday night Bill was up to his usual tricks, but got more than he bargained for. His guest, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, made it clear from the beginning that he wasn't about to roll over. Anderson, who called for the impeachment of George Bush this past weekend, stuck to his guns and refused to allow himself to be painted as a loon. Every time BillO tried to talk over him, called him names and even accused him of subverting his own country, Anderson smiled and threw it back in his face. I give him credit for going on the show knowing he was going to be ambushed. We usually give the best quotes from our videos, but this one had too many to chose from. Have at it in comments.


Anonymous said...

That is the typical Faux news method, have people against the GOP, anyone in the GOP or anything GOP on and don't let them get a word in edgewise, interrupt constantly, let the GOP guest talk, and interrupt. I try not to watch FAUX news, because it is anything but "fair and balanced" as they keep saying it is. This is a feel good news for the GOP, and anyone who uses this as their main news source will be so one sided, i.e. Ann Creature, Sean Hannity, Cheney, so on and so forth.

Mrs. X said...

I wonder when Bill O'Reilly will lose his job. I cannot wait for the day Fox News goes out of business indefinitely.

airJackie said...

Now I know what College Gonzo got his law degree. Whatsa Matter You yet that's were all cartoon and Bush Administration employees got their degrees.

SP Biloxi said...

Whats a matter you degree.. LOL!