"U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald was ranked among prosecutors who had 'not distinguished themselves' on a Justice Department chart sent to the White House in March 2005, when he was in the midst of leading a CIA leak investigation that resulted in the perjury conviction of a vice presidential aide, administration officials said yesterday," Dan Eggen and John Solomon report in a front page article in Tuesday's Washington Post.
According to a Post examination of Justice documents, Fitzgerald was ranked "below strong U.S. Attorneys . . . who exhibited loyalty" to the Bush Administration but rated higher than "weak U.S. Attorneys who . . . chafed against Administration initiatives, etc."
According to a Post examination of Justice documents, Fitzgerald was ranked "below strong U.S. Attorneys . . . who exhibited loyalty" to the Bush Administration but rated higher than "weak U.S. Attorneys who . . . chafed against Administration initiatives, etc."
"The chart was the first step in an effort to identify U.S. attorneys who should be removed," the article continues. "Two prosecutors who received the same ranking as Fitzgerald were later fired, documents show." More on the story.
Fitzgerald was Lawyer of the Year 2005 and he dropped kicked Ted Wells the Lawyer of the Year 2006. Now who's doing the job reviews in the DOJ. Gonzales still doesn't know what an Attorny Generals job is. Gonzales talks like he's still the council to the President.
I heard on newsradio in Chicago this morning "any Democrat who can get into the light of the TV camara has something to say about Gonzales"
I also think there are Republicans following as well.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks!
It's Tuesday!
Man, I had to come through all those emails this morning. Quite interesting stuff. What I find interesting is on Document: 2-5 on page 5. Who is the my the mystery USA who is resigning who is not made public?
Correction: page 25.
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