Monday, February 19, 2007

Treatment of Iraq War Veterans.

Very disgraceful...

A very important article in waPo today.Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility

"We owe them all we can give them," Bush said during his last visit [to walter Reed], a few days before Christmas. "Not only for when they're in harm's way, but when they come home to help them adjust if they have wounds, or help them adjust after their time in service."
As always reality is different.

Behind the door of Army Spec. Jeremy Duncan's room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. The entire building, constructed between the world wars, often smells like greasy carry-out. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses.

This is the world of Building 18, not the kind of place where Duncan expected to recover when he was evacuated to Walter Reed Army Medical Center from Iraq last February with a broken neck and a shredded left ear, nearly dead from blood loss. But the old lodge, just outside the gates of the hospital and five miles up the road from the White House, has housed hundreds of maimed soldiers recuperating from injuries suffered in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


airJackie said...

Now we know what all the GOP and Bush Administration mean by Support our Troops. Bring them home in body bags or let them live with mice/roaches that's the American way. Now as for the Iraq people we have to give them jobs, schools and hospitals and clean water. What ever it takes to make their country safe and clean. Who cares about our troops oh ya we will have the phase " Support our Troops", give 2.9 Trillion to Iraq.

SP Biloxi said...

The Administration filled their own pockets from the money unaccounted from Iraq and yet the vets are treated worse than 3rd class citizens...

Anonymous said...

Yes another thing John McCain said on CSpan on the campaign trail to another Vietnam vet was that there are less casualtys now than during Nam because now medicine is more advanced, but now we have more vets missing limbs etc. Then he bragged about some hospital that vets are going to run on donations and doing well, can't remember the name or where other than it was out East somewhere