Monday, February 12, 2007

Libby Trial: Water Pincus is up! Part Deux

Jeffress up [I'll use J and WP for the dialogue here].
J Good morning Mr. Pincus, What do you do for a living.
WP I write for the WaPo, I've been a journalist for roughly 50 years. I cover National Security and Intell.
J Did you have experience in intelligence field.
WP I served for two years in Coutnerintelligence 1955-57.
J What's a Pulitzer Prize
WP "One of the many prizes you're given for journalism." I was part of a team that won a prize.
J For reporting on OBL. Stuart Alsop Aware
WP Given for the best intell reporting I won the original one in 2000
J How many security articles
WP Probably 1000.
J Asks about anonymous sources, has him list where they come from. How often do they talk to you and not be attribtued. Do you honor those requests.
WP Yes, part bc I'm interested in facts, part bc you wouldn't get that info otherwise.
J I'm going to be asking you about conversations with two Admin officials. Is it fair to say that ordinarily you would not wish to testify.
WP Yes
J You testified on 9/15/2004 concerning conversations with Libby. Why did you do that?
WP Through my lawyers I learned Libby granted a waiver for that conversation.
J Going through Libby's waiver, using this as a way to introduce Libby's willingness to let journalists testify.

More on the Libby trial.

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