Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You got to be joking...

MSNBC: Is '24's Jack Bauer a FOX 'right-wing propagandist?'

Is FOX using fear of terror attacks in U.S. to get ratings?" asks MSNBC in a segment about popular TV series 24.
"Jack Bauer might be trying to save the world," remarks the host about the show's main character, played by Kiefer Sutherland, "but is Jack also a right-wing propagandist?"
In the video below, after showing a clip from 24 featuring an enormous explosion as helpless characters look on in shock, a debate ensues between Congressional Quarterly's Craig Crawford and Joel Mowbray of as to whether the show is just entertainment or not-so-subtle right-wing propaganda.
TIME/CNN recently reported that Vice President Dick Cheney is a fan of 24.
I am a huge fan of 24 and the actor that plays Jack Bauer. Instead of worrying about if the fictional character, Jack Bauer, is a right wing propagandist, the DHS should recruit a Jack Bauer character. The fictional CTU is better than the real DHS.

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...

The four hour season premiere of 24 was awesome. And I know that Jordan enjoyed the premiere..