Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Update on the Wilson civil suit: The Veep claims absolute immunity

Judicial Watch is particularly concerned about the Vice President’s assertion of absolute
immunity. Second, the absolute immunity advocated by the Vice President is based largely on an overly broad interpretation of Cheney v. U.S. District Court, 542 U.S. 367 (2004), a case in
which Judicial Watch was a party.
Judicial Restraint Does Not Support the Vice President’s Request For
Absolute Immunity
Absolute immunity, as held by the U.S. Supreme Court in Fitzgerald, and applied to the
President, is “incident of the President’s unique office,” and “rooted in the constitutional
tradition of the separation of powers.” Fitzgerald, 457 at 749. It was the President’s
constitutional grant of authority that provided the Court with the foundation for absolute

Here is the latest of the Wilsons' file.

Here is the Nixon v. Fitzgerald case used by Cheney.

And here is an excerpt of Nixon v Fitzgerald:

During the waning months of the Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968, respondent, a management analyst with the Department of the Air Force, testified before a congressional Subcommittee about cost-overruns and unexpected technical difficulties concerning the development of a particular airplane. In January 1970, during the Presidency of petitioner Richard M. Nixon, respondent was dismissed from his job during a departmental reorganization and reduction in force, in which his job was eliminated. Respondent complained to the Civil Service Commission, alleging that his separation represented unlawful retaliation for his congressional testimony.

In the civil lawsuit case, Cheney is being sued in his individual capacity, not in his official


airJackie said...

The Supreme Court found that President Bill Clinton could be sued while in office. The GOP got it's wish and all the Judges that support Bush voted to stick it to Bill. Now we have precedent of if a President can be sued while in office. Cheney is the VP not the President now he wants to have immunity when a President can't get it. Good luck with that. Turn around is fair play. The GOP fought hard to nail Bill while he was in office only to have the same problem themselves. We have only two new Supreme Court Judges so the vote would still be 7 to 2 in favor of Cheney being able to be sued. Now Scalia has big problems if he changes his mind with this vote. He gave a strong finding supporting Bill being sued now it would be funny to hear him say a Vice President can't be sued.
I know the two resent appointees will say what Bush tells them to say but the others will have a problem.

Anonymous said...

Any way they can get Cheney for any reason will be good. I don't care if they get him on jay walking.
Cheney is truley the most evil one in the administration. Let's just hope they get him good and throw away the key or he could vacation in Colorado and die and be cremated (dissapear like Lay).

Anonymous said...

News Cheney does not want anyone to know Can't find it on Fox

SP Biloxi said...

Wow, thank for the info, Chicago Native. So many death to the Iraqi citizens an yet that is not being told in our media.

Cheney will be caught. And the Wilsons' lawsuit know Cheney's main weakness: public humiliation and reputation. This civil case will hosed him. And someone is lurking in the wind wanted to be the big honcho in corporate and business.

Anonymous said...

also millions and millions of rebuilding money lost in Iraq and citizen don't have basics like water, and electricity most of the time. From all that I read it will take at least a half million US troops to get that situation in control.
We need to pull out just like France and Britian did in our Revolutionary war, it was not looked at as a defeat on their part but as letting us build this country ourselves. We have to do the same. We are breeding terrorism the more we stay there. No plan, not enough troops, we are in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, we need to leave. We are looked at by many in the region as terrorists and they want us out, they are fighting us, they are fighting each other, there are so many groups with their own cause it's not even funny, everyone is fighting everyone......