Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Report: U.S. Troops Short on Equipment in Iraq, Afghanistan

Support our troops? Now there's an idea. But according to a new Defense Department report, that's one thing the administration isn't doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Even as the president orders more troops to Iraq, the soldiers already serving there and in Afghanistan lack necessary body armor, communications equipment and other equipment, according to a report summary by the Pentagon's Inspector General made public today.


Anonymous said...

They are finding Iranian katusha's and other weapons over in Iraq and claiming Iran is supplying Iraq. But they really need to know if Iran is behind this or militant groups operating independently from Iran etc. They don't know if Iraqians went and bought the weapons etc. They had better really get some good hard facts before doing anything over there.
And before they start claiming nukes they had best see when the Nuclear power plants are up what they do with the nuclear waste if they have built facilities to turn it into nukes.
Yes Cheney has 88 staff members, and how many does a puppet need?

SP Biloxi said...

The Gerbil really is nitpicking Iran enough to go to war. Now, the Gerbil is blaming Iran for Iraq. It's getting ridiculous.